Photography by Lois Siegel
The Kitchissippi Times

©Photo by Tom Robertson
Lois Siegel

Lois Siegel is a freelance photographer for The Kitchissippi Times.
The photos that appear here were shot On Assignment for The Kitchissippi Times.

Gabriel Ferron-Bouius (7)
The War Amps

While Pierre Vachon and Sherry Baiton find Westboro a welcoming community,
there is always room for improvement when it comes to accessibility.

Collaborating with guitarist Jeff Logan, Hintonburg musician Amanda Rheaume released
a Christmas Acoustic album.  All proceeds were donated to the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa.

Will Inrig won the Adobe Prize for High School Animation
at the Ottawa International Animation Festival

Julia Naurzalijeva's work contains bold colours and imagination

Charlotte Rose Hayes, Laura Thompson, Lori Jean Hodge
The Radio Show
Gladstone Theatre

Jean Hudson, Vocalist

Ian Brown holds three angel ornaments handcrafted from jute,
a natural resource that is plentiful in the tiny Bangladesh village
where they were created.
10 Thousand Villages

Kitchissippi ward Councillor Christine Leadman is one of the year's participants
in the 14th-annual celebrity-carved pumpkin contest on behalf of Children at Risk.

Daniel Stringer
Canadian Martin Luther King Day Coalition

Tony Caracciolo
Closes his Shoe Repair Shop after 34 years


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Lois Siegel